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Let’s celebrate High Collared Dog Walking and Raw’ 10th anniversary with puppy profiles!

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High Collared Dog Walking and Raw is celebrating its 10th anniversary of providing the best service in Toronto. For part of that we will be presenting profiles of some of the long time serving pack members that are still with us. Once you go High Collared Raw, you never go back.


First up is the wonderful Schnauzer Bella!
Bella first came to us in 2010 at 8 weeks old.
I was one of the very first people she ever got to meet and we’ve adored each other ever since. I can remember teaching to walk up and down stairs and how to walk on leash. She was nervous at first, but we worked on it everyday and she soon became the star of the pack.


There was a scary time about a year ago when we thought we were going to lose her. She became seriously ill and we all believed she was on death’s door, but like the amazing trooper she is, she made a full recovery!

Bella is a truly sweet, kind and innocent soul and it is a privilege and a joy to walk this little angel every day.


When I take on a dog, I personally get to know them and form real bonds with each and everyone of them. All dogs are individuals, just like people and there isn’t one single formula that applies to them all.

That is what someone with over 10 years experience, out there every single day, brings to this service. That is High Collared Dog Walking and Raw.


Who’s the boss?

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Ever wonder if your doggy-doo thinks he’s the boss of the house? Here are some sure fire signs that fido see’s him/her self as pack leader.

-Walks ahead of you
-Decides where to go on walks
-Tries to protect you from people and other dogs
-Always wants to go threw doors before you
-Doesn’t give up toys/treats to you easily
-Generally doesn’t pay attention to your commands

If your dog is doing any of these things without disagreement from you then he/she is the pack leader.

Humans should always be the pack leader. Always have your dog walking behind or beside you. If possible never allow the dog to go threw doors or new areas first. Always make your dog work for it’s food and treats. This can be as simple as making him sit first.

Be consistent with your praise and criticism so that you don’t confuse your dog and he knows just what you want. Once the dog believes you are the leader it will stop the protective behavior and expect you to handle whatever situations arise.

It can take time, but doing these things on a consistent basis will eventually convince your dog that you are a pack leader they can trust in.

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